Sally face real face without mask
Sally face real face without mask

  • Mysterious Past: We don't exactly know what happened to Sal's mother or what caused him to get a prosthetic face.
  • Missing Mom: It's heavily implied in the first episode that his mom died.
  • It's revealed in Episode 5 that Gizmo was assigned to him as a therapy animal.

    sally face real face without mask

    Kindhearted Cat Lover: Friendly, nice, and has a pet cat.Sal decided to embrace the nickname to get back at the bullies and seems to have gotten into the habit of telling people that they can call him "Sally Face" if they want. Insult Backfire: His old bullies called him "Sally Face" to make fun of him.Starting with Episode 2, Sal interacting with ghosts becomes an integral part of the plot. I See Dead People: The Gear Boy bonus has him interact with the ghost of a young girl, and the homeless person who sleeps in 504 may also be a ghost, so that could also count.By Episode 4 Sal has gathered a small collection of glass eyes in a variety of colors. This can be seen in close-ups - his pupils are different sizes and face different directions. Glass Eye: His right eye is artificial.Girlish Pigtails: Even though Sal's a guy.Sal decided to embrace it and tells people he meets to call him "Sally Face." Gender-Blender Nickname: Sally is a girl's name and was used by Sal's old bullies to make fun of him.When he gets executed at the end of Chapter 4 we can see he's missing a nose, has a misshapen lower jaw, and has a scar running diagonally across his mouth.Even during shots where his face would be exposed, it's covered with his hair (or blood during the dream sequence at the beginning of Episode 2). The Faceless: We never see Sal's face.Quite possibly suffers it again at the end of Episode 4 as a result of electrocution. Eye Scream: Suffered one as part of his injury, since one of his eyes is artificial.

    sally face real face without mask sally face real face without mask

    Deadpan Snarker: He can be, though it's usually to himself (or the player).Cut to several years later, he's been accused of murder and nearly everyone he's cares about is dead or worse. The game starts out with his mother dead and his face badly mauled to the point he has to wear a synthetic face. Dark and Troubled Past: Sal's life is the stuff of nightmares.But otherwise, he's a chill and kind kid. His prosthetic face is really unnerving, and he doesn't seem too frightened by the weird things happening around the apartment complex. By the time of Episode 4 Sal has got an actual collection of cool masks, which can be seen in his bedroom.Additionally, his friend, Larry Johnson, upon first meeting him, said that Sal's mask was cool before learning it was a prosthetic face.Cool Mask: Well, it's a prosthetic face, but it could count as a mask.Befriending the Enemy: Offers friendship and support to Travis, despite being mocked and beaten by him.If Charlie refuses to drink any more tea in Episode 1, Sal's words of persuasion sound wonky, he stumbles over his words when trying to convince Neil that nothing supernatural is currently happening (and Neil notices that), and Larry flat-out tells him that he's bad at keeping secrets when Sal tries to deny knowing about Jim's fate. Bad Liar: Has trouble making stuff up on the fly.

    sally face real face without mask

    He wears a very obvious prosthetic face, and it's ambiguous what exactly happened to his real face and what caused him to move in the first place. The protagonist of the game, Sal is a young boy with pigtails who recently moved to a new apartment complex with his father.

    Sally face real face without mask